Individuals who choose to take on the administration of a trust have many duties, including, first and foremost, the guardianship of the account to ensure the assets remain safe. The Legal Information Institute notes that these duties can become complicated when the trust includes many different beneficiaries and investment choices.
Those who find themselves in the position of trust administration may want to review other duties involved with a trust so they can carry them out confidently.
1. Filing a trust
Trust administration begins with filing or creating the trust fund. Administrators can meet with the trustor and gather the required information, including the names of all beneficiaries. Any tangible assets held in trust for minors must have administrators who manage them. This includes real estate, vehicles and jewelry.
2. Paying taxes
Each year, trust administrators must pay taxes on the money in a trust account that exceeds $600 or more. Administrators may also need to file gift taxes in accordance with federal law. Individuals charged with the care of a trust may want to seek advice from a financial or tax consultant to ensure proper tax payments.
3. Managing beneficiary requirements
If a trust has multiple beneficiaries, the administrator must satisfy the needs and questions of each. Keeping a trackable document can help with this duty so the trustee has a history of present beneficiaries, any changes made to revocable trusts and the current contact information for each. Such a document is especially useful for a trust that lists multiple beneficiaries.
Trust administrators who work with revocable trusts may have ongoing duties when the trustor advises them of any changes to the document’s details.