Angela C. Artherton

Caring and Client-Focused Advocacy

Can you help prevent your heirs from wasting their inheritance?

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2023 | Estate Planning

Inheritance represents not only monetary value but also the hopes and wishes for how one’s assets might benefit heirs in the future. Yet, concerns may arise about how the heirs will handle this financial responsibility, especially if they lack experience or wisdom in managing large sums of money.

Fortunately, there are measures you can take to guide the distribution and use of your assets, even after you are no longer there to oversee them.

Setting clear expectations

Communication is key. You can have open discussions with your heirs about your intentions and expectations for how they should use the funds. Explaining your values and the reasoning behind your decisions can help them understand the importance of using their inheritance responsibly.

Providing financial education

Simple lack of knowledge about how one should handle money costs many Americans substantial amounts of money each year. If you worry that your heirs may lack the skills to manage their inheritance wisely, consider providing them with financial education. This can be in the form of books, classes or even personal financial counseling. By giving them the tools to make informed financial decisions, you empower them to be responsible stewards of their inheritance.

Establishing trusts

A trust can include specific instructions on how and when the assets should distribute. For example, you can set up a trust that only allows the beneficiary to access the funds for education, buying a home or starting a business.

Considering gradual distribution

Instead of a lump sum, you might choose to distribute the inheritance gradually over time or upon reaching specific milestones. This approach can encourage responsible spending and investing by not overwhelming the heirs with a large amount of money all at once.

Your efforts to prevent your heirs from wasting their inheritance are a reflection of your care and commitment to their well-being. By taking proactive steps, you can leave not just a financial legacy but a legacy of wisdom and responsibility as well.