Angela C. Artherton

Caring and Client-Focused Advocacy

4 benefits of establishing a trust

On Behalf of | Dec 7, 2023 | Estate Planning

Planning for the future is a wise endeavor, especially when it comes to managing your assets and ensuring the well-being of your loved ones.

One valuable tool to consider incorporating into your estate plan is a trust.

1. Probate avoidance

One significant advantage of establishing a trust is the potential to sidestep the probate process. Probate, the legal process of validating a will and distributing assets, can be time-consuming and costly. By placing your assets in a trust, you designate a successor trustee to manage and distribute them according to your wishes, without the need for court involvement.

2. Control over asset distribution

Creating a trust provides you with greater control over the distribution of your assets. Unlike a will, which only takes effect after your passing, a trust allows for setting specific conditions necessary before asset distribution. This flexibility enables you to tailor the distribution of assets to align with your values and the unique circumstances of your beneficiaries.

3. Continuity of management

In the event of your incapacity, a trust ensures the seamless management of your assets. Designating a successor trustee allows for a smooth transition in handling your affairs without the need for court intervention. This continuity is particularly beneficial for ongoing ventures, such as family businesses, where uninterrupted management is important for sustaining success.

4. Minimization of estate taxes

Another compelling reason to consider a trust is its potential to minimize estate taxes. Certain types of trusts, such as irrevocable trusts, reduce the taxable value of your estate, ultimately resulting in lower estate taxes for your heirs.

For the 34% of Americans with an estate plan, including a trust can offer a range of advantages for the preservation and thoughtful distribution of your assets.